
NEIL GAIMAN, THE GRAVEYARD BOOK: It’s like the people who believe they’ll be happy if they go and live somewhere else, but who learn it doesn’t work that way. Wherever you go, you take yourself with you.
At my count I’ve lived eight lives. Saskatchewan, Manitoba, British Columbia, Vermont, Massachusetts, Vermont again, New Hampshire, Vermont again. I have been moving, and I hope to keep moving, all my life. In my mind this is one of the things that artists, writers, do. It is tied up inextricably with the old myth of creative madness, or the necessity of liquor and cigarettes in the artistic process. We choose which myth is true, which false, which is frivolous story, which essential to our condition. I have made this one my own: writers are homeless, writers are from away, writers are other.
TERRY GROSS: So do you think the sense of not belonging anywhere helped to give you a sense of independence when you got older?
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